The potential effects of the quinoline on pubertal development and thyroid function were quantified in the peripubertal male Wistar rats. Vehicle control (corn oil - 0 mg/kg), positive control – vinclozolin (VCZ - 100 mg/kg) and two groups of quinoline (QNL - 100 and 150/200 mg/kg) were treated from postnatal day (PND) 23–53 at the dose volume of 2.5 ml/kg. Two mortalities, weakness, lethargy and significant reduction in body weight were observed at 200 mg/kg of QNL treated group hence dose was reduced to 150 mg/kg from PND 25. Body weight, body weight gain and feed consumption of the 100 and 150/200 mg/kg QNL groups were significantly decreased compared to the control group. Increase in urea and BUN was observed in all test dose levels of VCZ and QNL as compared to the control group. Decrease inseminal vesicle coagulating gland with and without fluid, ventral prostate, LABC, epididymes was observed in QNL at 150/200 mg/kg as compared to the vehicle control group. Thyroid hormone (T4, T3 and TSH) and testosterone analysis were not affected by treatment of QNL. Results of present study revealed that QNL showed no evidence of endocrine disruptor activity.